Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PREFERENCE! (among other things)

I'm on the market for Preference! (a ladies choice dance)

I realized this today when Eli said she had people that were not me in mind for it, since we do go on dates with other people from time to time. With the encouragement of some of our ward's young men's leaders I decided who I wanted to ask me.

There is a long list, but the most possible and most likely and most preferred is my friend Jennifer. In the years I've known here I have yet to go on a real date with her, which is odd, since we're pretty good friends in general and I ask people out all the time. Why, it occurred to me, haven't we gone out? I didn't know, so tonight at mutual I took the only chance I could get right before we were all leaving to drop a hint.

"Hey Jennifer, are you going to preference?"
"Maybe, I have to find someone."
"Oh I see"
"Why, are you going?"
"I don't know."
"How do you not know, have you been asked."
"well... no."
"Oh I see."
"Yeah, and OH! Jennifer."
"Have a wonderful night!"

she smiled, she got the message.

I can't get my hopes up but it's pretty hard to pull them down right now.

I'm working on a song for my dear friend Marissa who has requested one. I've got a melody and progression but I don't know if I can put words to it or not and I don't know how to change it up into a chorus once I start to finish the song. I'm really optimistic for it, I hope she likes it.

I'm staying afloat in my classes, I still have to revise my English essay, but that can be done as the day goes on tomorrow, but I also have to do my Chem work which will be right after this, and after I've finished my ice cream. (and maybe a movie. Anything to delay it)

I'm tired. Today is a tired day. Thoughts are kind of running in and out of my head- I fell asleep in class twice today, once in Music Theory where I would nod off and wake up to answer questions, and once in Government while we were watching a movie... My hand was on a notebook and hurt like crazy when I woke up.

I've been tired a lot lately, I need to do something about that like for real.

Things with Eli are still a little rocky- today we talked and came to the conclusion that we have to slow down and reverse our relationship a few steps so we can keep our standards. I love her on days like today when she's so understanding and just plain good. Sometimes I feel like we're pushing our limits of things-you-are-allowed-to-do-without-it-being-called-naughty. I do love that girl, I just think we should stay doing things right. Score one for For Strength of Youth.

I gotta go. Since I only have one reader (if that) I'd like to shout out to her: MARISSA! You are a wonderful friend who matters to me! As I said earlier, I'm working on your song and it should be done in a week or so. I know you say no rush but I want to finish soon so you can hear it soon so you can be all "AWWWW." Anyway, I care about you friend. Have a great night (or morning, or afternoon, or whenever you read this)

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